We love it when our customers not only shout us out but share their wonderful SKK #semihomemade creations. 💛 🍋
Last week Happy Tummy NZ- who you can find over on Instagram (@happytummynz) played around with our blondie mix and created this wonderful little blondie mix hack that we just adore.
"Last weekend, I tried making lemon blondies! If you've never heard of blondies, they're basically white chocolate brownies... I use the @secretkiwikitchen blondie mix that has coconut and brown sugar as a base. I added around 60 mls of lemon juice to the whisked egg and butter mixture before stirring in the blondie mix. Pop in the oven for ~30 mins and its all done!! For extra lemony zing, I sprinkled lemon zest on it while it was cooling down.
My partner and I really enjoyed these! But I also wanted to get some objective feedback, so I brought some to the office. And they all loved it!!! Really recommend giving this a go and trying the amazing baking mixes by Secret Kiwi Kitchen. So easy, so versatile and so so so yum 😋🥰" - Happy Tummy NZ