Ahhh, how we adore long languid summer days and that bit between Christmas and the end of the holidays, where no one knows what day it is, what time it is...and no one really cares! Most people are enjoying their holidays, this gorgeous weather...and eating. But we want it to be easy right? And we still want it to taste amazing.
Here at Secret Kiwi Kitchen we were wondering how we could help you enjoy your baking fix, even if you didn’t have an oven. Maybe you’re camping, maybe you’re on a boat. Could be you only have a campfire, a gas ring...or a microwave. Well now it gets fun and creative!
We spent some time playing around with different ways to cook our always amazing triple fudge brownie in different ways and guess what? It works!
We made up the brownie mix in a bowl as usual, greased a large frying pan and poured the mixture in. We covered it with a pizza tray, but any cover will do. Ours took about 10 mins to cook but just keep your eye on it and keep “taste testing” aka chefs privilege! To get it to your preferred done-ness.

Then if you fancy, whack a dollop of ice cream or cream on top- and everyone grab a spoon and dive on in!! Magic :)
Even easier is the microwave mug cake. Simply fill a mug about half way up with Secret Kiwi Kitchen Chocolate Cake mix (or Triple Fudge Brownie mix) and microwave for 40 seconds, then check it to see if you’d like it a bit firmer (micro an extra 20secs) or if you’re down with the ooey gooey chocolate lava (we were!)

Seriously, could that get ANY easier? I think you’ll find the answer to be no.
Nope, It could not!
So basically, if you’ve got a heat source and a heat proof receptacle, you’ve got dessert. Or breakfast- it’s still technically Christmas, right?!
Even if you’re camping on the beach, or sailing around the Bay Of Islands you’d can still enjoy Secret Kiwi Kitchen deliciousness. What are you waiting for?!